Experience Jesus and the power of his presence

Nondenominational Church in Kiawah Island, SC

When making significant changes in your life, it's inevitable that both joys and challenges will arise. While it can be thrilling to embark on new adventures, such as starting a new job or moving to a new city, there may also be moments of isolation and regret. These moments can leave you feeling lonely and even depressed, especially when you have a lack of interpersonal communication or physical contact.

If you're like us, it's hard to imagine life without heartfelt hugs from family or deep conversations with your best friends. Unfortunately, moving to a new city or state may mean giving up those luxuries for a while. So, what should your next steps be? For many people, one of the first tasks to accomplish is finding a new place to meet people. But that's easier said than done, especially when you're trying to impress at a new job or feel like you don't belong in a new city like Mount Pleasant. You may be asking yourself questions like:

  • Will locals accept me?
  • Will I stick out like a sore thumb since I'm from a different state with a different accent?
  • Is it even worth trying to go out when I don't know anybody?
  • Is it normal to feel alone or even have feelings of depression now that I'm in a new city?
  • Where can I go to meet new people where I won't be judged or cast aside?

If you're struggling to hit the ground running now that you're living in the Lowcountry, know that you're not alone. At Pavilion North Church, we know the challenges and fears you're facing. We see them every day. But there's Good News to celebrate: By putting your faith in God, you can rediscover the power of trust, patience, strength, and faith. And that's incredibly important, especially if you feel like life is pointless right now. Whether you're looking to worship at a new nondenominational church in Kiawah Island, SC, or you simply need a warm, welcoming place to meet new people without judgment, Pavilion North is here to help.

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The First Steps Toward a Fulfilling Life Starts at Pavilion North


Here at Pavilion North, we strive to be a place where the saving grace of Jesus Christ transforms lives. We do this by helping people grow in their relationship with God, achieve freedom, and fulfill their purpose in serving others. If you're new to the metro Kiawah Island area, feel lonely in our city, or are looking for a friendly, fulfilling place to worship, our doors are open to you, no matter your background or beliefs.

When you boil it down to the basics, we believe that God established our nondenominational church in Kiawah Island, SC, to be a place of refuge and salvation. In scripture, the word Pavilion is defined as a place where the presence of God dwells. In His presence, we can be transformed and find everything we need to live the abundant life Jesus came to give us. If you're thinking to yourself, "Sure, that sounds great, but I've never been religious and have never been to church," know that you and every person are welcome at Pavilion North. Our prayer is that every person that enters through our doors can experience the grace, power, and love of Jesus Christ in a new way.

We help spread that message by leaning on our values, which include:



The greatest commandment is to Love God & Love People (Mark 12:30,31)



My house shall be called a house of Prayer. (Luke 19:46)



We are saved by grace through faith. (Ephesians 2:8)



Faith is confidence in what we hope for. (Hebrews 11:1)

One feature that sets us apart from other churches in Kiawah Island is the fact that we are nondenominational. If you're used to denominations like Baptists and Methodists or are unfamiliar with denominations in general, this phrase might be new to you. Let's dive a little deeper into what our nondenominational status means.

Christian Fellowship Kiawah Island, SC

What is a Nondenominational Church in Kiawah Island, SC?


Nondenominational churches are Christian churches that choose not to hold a connection to recognized denominations such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc. Nondenominational churches do not follow the directives of larger denominational organizations and make their own decisions on various parts of church life. They emerged during the latter half of the 20th century, primarily in the United States, out of a desire for independence and a return to the biblical basics of Christianity. The reasons for their establishment vary, but many founders sought to separate themselves from the doctrinal and sometimes political affiliations of long-established denominational churches.

What are the Beliefs of Nondenominational Christians?

First things first: Every nondenominational church and church body will have a slightly different answer to this question. Generally speaking, however, nondenominational Christians believe that the Bible should be the ultimate authority when it comes to teaching, worship, and other aspects of church life.

Unlike denominational churches, nondenominational churches do not follow the exact beliefs set out by a larger organization. Instead, they rely on scripture to guide their beliefs and practices. Nondenominational churches are often led by members of the church congregation, reflecting a belief that a church is a community of believers rather than a hierarchy. They believe that doctrines formulated through interpretation and annotation of the scriptures are not necessary and can sometimes distract from God's word.

If you're interested in attending our nondenominational church in Kiawah Island, SC, and are curious about what makes us different from other, more traditional churches, it would be our pleasure to sit with you and discuss our statement of beliefs. Simply visit our website or contact our office today to learn more.

 Christian Church Kiawah Island, SC

Dealing with Loneliness in a New City

When it comes to loneliness, there are both good and bad ways of coping. Some folks choose to become workaholics, spending every waking hour dedicated to work, work, work. This self-defeating choice often results in waking up before the sun, working all day, and going to bed completely exhausted. While good for financial reasons, this method results in emotional and physical burnout.

Others focus on material items - they buy everything they can get their hands on because they mistakenly believe that more "things" will make them happy. Unfortunately, "things" do nothing to satisfy your desire for human connection and less loneliness. Would your "things" make you feel happy on an island where there's no human contact?

Others cheat on their partners, experiment with drugs and alcohol, or pitch pity parties for themselves, all to no avail. So what is the solution if you've been feeling lonely since moving to Mount Pleasant, SC? All we have to do is look to the Bible - and specifically Paul - for answers. In the Bible, Paul must confront loneliness head-on, and he does so in ways that are very applicable to modern situations like yours.

Use Your Time Positively

If you're feeling lonely, it's important to stay productive and make the most of your time. Don't allow loneliness to immobilize you. Instead, find a way to make the best of the situation. Remember the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Do whatever it takes to combat loneliness. Take a cue from Paul, who didn't allow himself to wallow in self-pity.

Despite being in prison, he asked for his coat and books so he could stay warm and use the time for writing and studing. This was a significant shift for Paul, who was an active church planter. Although he would have preferred to be preaching in the Colosseum, he recognized that God could use his loneliness for good. It's essential to take care of yourself when you're lonely, so don't neglect your personal needs. With the right mindset and approach, you can turn a negative situation into a positive one.

 Pavilion North Church Kiawah Island, SC
Christian Fellowship Kiawah Island, SC

Minimize Feelings of Hurt

If you're feeling lonely, it's important to stay productive and make the most of your time. Don't allow loneliness to immobilize you. Instead, find a way to make the best of the situation. Remember the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Do whatever it takes to combat loneliness. Take a cue from Paul, who didn't allow himself to wallow in self-pity.

Despite being in prison, he asked for his coat and books so he could stay warm and use the time for writing and studing. This was a significant shift for Paul, who was an active church planter. Although he would have preferred to be preaching in the Colosseum, he recognized that God could use his loneliness for good. It's essential to take care of yourself when you're lonely, so don't neglect your personal needs. With the right mindset and approach, you can turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Know That God is Present

When dealing with loneliness, recognizing God's presence is a helpful approach. According to Paul, God provided him with strength and was with him always. Jesus also reassured his followers that they would never be alone. God himself promised to never leave nor forsake us.

David, who experienced loneliness himself, found comfort in his fellowship with God. He recognized that loneliness was an opportunity to grow closer to God. Instead of giving in to the temptation to do nothing, as Paul did, we should focus on making our time count by spending it in fellowship with God.

Remember, you can supplement your relationship with God and help combat loneliness by worshiping with others. If you're new to Mount Pleasant, our nondenominational church in Kiawah Island, SC, will welcome you with open arms and with a heart full of joy. Simply being in the presence of positive, faithful people can have a huge impact on your mental health, regardless of how active or aloof you wish to be in church functions.

 Christian Church Kiawah Island, SC
 Pavilion North Church Kiawah Island, SC

Be Empathetic

One effective way to cope with loneliness is by showing empathy toward the needs of others. Instead of being self-centered, shift your focus towards those around you who may also be feeling lonely. Consider reaching out and helping them in any way you can.

A great example of this is Paul, who dedicated his life to serving others and spreading the word of God. Despite facing loneliness towards the end of his life, he remained committed to his goal of helping people in need. As he once said, "The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it." (2 Timothy 4:17)

How to Find Happiness When You Feel Hopeless


At Pavilion North, we worship with many people who question the purpose of their existence and whether their actions hold any significance. With all the trials and tribulations in modern times, it's easy to forget that God designed a plan for us to experience growth and joy - to live by faith and, ultimately, to return to His presence. Despite the plan God has for them, many Americans feel less happy than ever - only 14% of people felt "very happy" in 2020, according to the University of Chicago.

Whether you're religious or not, if you're struggling to find meaning in your life, keep these tips in mind to help you find happiness.

Your Personal Journey

Think of Life as Your Personal Journey

Life is often compared to a journey, and while it may sound cliché, this perspective can actually give us a sense of purpose in our everyday lives. A prime example is Mike Signorelli, who was once an atheist but later discovered religion and became the founding pastor of V1 Church, a thriving congregation in the New York City region. However, you don't have to undergo a religious conversion to experience a similar awakening. Simply shifting your mindset and approach to the world can lead to a meaningful journey of self-discovery.

Weekly Goal

Give Yourself a Small Weekly Goal

Set a small goal for yourself every week. It could be something as easy as 15 minutes of self-reflection or promising that you will visit a nondenominational church in Kiawah Island, SC. No matter what goal you choose, continue to set them and acknowledge each accomplishment as a victory.

Contact Us
Extracurricular Activities

Try Extracurricular Activities Where You Live

Whether it's a professional group, a Sunday school meetup outside church, a Bible study book club, or a neighborhood association, getting involved and meeting new people can add value to your life and create lasting connections. It doesn't matter what form it takes - the important thing is to build relationships and be an active member.

Inspire You

Emulate Those Who Inspire You

Find inspiration from mentors, famous individuals who you admire, or even an exceptional parent that you've noticed in a new neighborhood you live in. Observe the world from their perspective, absorb their experiences, and expand your self-awareness. At Pavilion North, we strive to emulate Jesus Christ and, through Him, positively affect others who may feel down, out, or like their life has no meaning.

Contact Us

Discover the Pavilion North Difference

Looking for a church that brings people from diverse backgrounds together? Are you feeling lonely and need the compassion and support from fellow Christians? Do you feel lost on your journey in life and need help finding a new direction? A nondenominational church in Kiawah Island, SC, may be for you. Without any denominational affiliation, you can worship and connect with others based solely on your love for Jesus. Nondenominational churches often have a strong sense of community involvement, making for a unique worship experience, and that's no different at Pavilion North in Mount Pleasant, SC.

Our church is proud to be multicultural, multi-generational, and open to worshiping with people from any and all denominational backgrounds, cultures, and nations. God does indeed work in mysterious ways - and if you're reading this sentence, this could be a sign that His plan for you is working. Contact us today to take the next step in your life toward happiness and fulfillment through fellowship and Christ.

phone-number(843) 823-2081

Latest News in Kiawah Island, SC

Resident concerns push beach boardwalk changes on Kiawah Island

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A new concern surrounding development being built on Kiawah Island has recently come to light by residents and change is now in the works.The questions revolve around two boardwalks that were built for “The Cape,” beachfront condominium complexes, to give the people that will be staying there beach access.The boardwalks stick out too far onto the beach, and it raised a red flag for Jim Gidcumb, who bikes on the beach daily.“At high tide, all of a sudden there’s this bo...

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A new concern surrounding development being built on Kiawah Island has recently come to light by residents and change is now in the works.

The questions revolve around two boardwalks that were built for “The Cape,” beachfront condominium complexes, to give the people that will be staying there beach access.

The boardwalks stick out too far onto the beach, and it raised a red flag for Jim Gidcumb, who bikes on the beach daily.

“At high tide, all of a sudden there’s this boardwalk that runs right into the ocean,” Gidcumb said. “I could not pass it and neither could pedestrians or emergency vehicles, and so I said something isn’t right here.”

After he and others expressed concerns, staff with DHEC’s Ocean and Coastal Resource Management came on-site to assess if the builds were compliant. They determined that recent beach erosion caused the boardwalks to be on the active beach, and the developer is working to shorten the structures.

“It’s a real safety hazard if you can’t traverse this beach at all hours,” Gidcumb said.

The Town of Kiawah said they are assessing to ensure that the boardwalks are compliant and respond to needs of accessibility for emergency and code enforcement vehicles.

“The next step will be to figure out how far back these boardwalks need to be to be in compliance,” Gidcumb said.

DHEC said as long as the boardwalks are shortened properly, they will meet the requirements of the applicable state regulation.

“It would be better to be proactive than reactive, as we’re kind of in a reactive mode now, but that’s fine,” Gidcumb said. “Catching it before it was completed means it can now be addressed and remediated.”

Gidcumb said at the end of the day he just wants to ride his bike on the beach safely and he appreciates the town and developer’s response on this issue.

For more information about this from the Town of Kiawah, click here.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

8 Things To Do In Kiawah Island, South Carolina

Follow winding, oak-shaded roads 25 miles southwest of downtown Charleston's cobblestone streets and celebrated restaurant scene, and you'll find yourself on Kiawah Island. Carved by the Kiawah River on one side and fronting the Atlantic Ocean on the other, the barrier ...

Follow winding, oak-shaded roads 25 miles southwest of downtown Charleston's cobblestone streets and celebrated restaurant scene, and you'll find yourself on Kiawah Island. Carved by the Kiawah River on one side and fronting the Atlantic Ocean on the other, the barrier island is a true escape. Here, nature reigns supreme: 10 miles of beaches roll out along the Atlantic; cicadas form their own sort of soundtrack; and lights-out is often determined by the sea turtles' nesting season. Even so, there's plenty to do for travelers who like their time in nature punctuated with good food, luxurious creature comforts, and a frozen drink in hand. Here are eight things to do in Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

Stay Like A Local

For access to all of Kiawah's amenities, from bike rentals to pools, you'll have to stay on the island. For an experience that's luxurious but unpretentious, book a room at The Sanctuary, an oceanfront hotel known for its five-star service and elevated onsite dining. For families who want a little room to spread out (or a kitchen), villa and home rentals are a smart choice; reserve through the resort directly, or book through a site like VRBO or Airbnb.

kiawahresort.com; One Sanctuary Beach Drive, Kiawah Island, SC 29455; 888-601-4904

Spend A Day On The Sand

On the west end of the island, Beachwalker Park, Kiawah's only public beach access, feels like a hidden gem thanks to its wide, unspoiled expanses of sand. It offers the best of both worlds: In addition to the ocean frontage, you can also score views of the Kiawah River here.

Hit The Links

Five state-of-the-art golf courses are open to the public. For avid fans of the sport, the Ocean Course alone makes Kiawah worth the trip. Host to two PGA Championships, the 18-hole course is not for the faint of heart. Raised above the dunes to capitalize on the expansive shore views, golfers are also subjected to ocean breezes (which don't make for an easy or predictable trip around the green). Try Cougar Point for marsh views and a slightly less technical experience.

Go For A Cruise

One of the best ways to explore the island is to leave the car in park and take a beach cruiser for a spin (you can reserve them through the resort or bring your own). Between 30 miles of paved trails and 10 miles of hard-packed beach, there's no shortage of routes to explore. Ask for directions to the Marsh View Tower, an observation deck primed for birdwatching and soaking in the marsh and river scenery.

Visit Heron Park Nature Center

The naturalists here will school you in many of the species who call the island home, from bobcats and white-tailed deer to loggerhead sea turtles and American alligators. Sign up for a guided tour, like "Back Island Birding", "Marsh Kayaking," or "Ocean Seining and Beach Combing," or ask for their recommendations for the best nature-spotting places in the area.

Explore Freshfields Village

Built around a lush lawn, Freshfields Village has plenty of restaurants and shops to explore, plus a boutique stay, the Andell Inn. Pick up a beach read at Indigo Books; snag treats for your four-legged friends at Dolittle's; and gear up for island adventures SeaCoast Sports and Outfitters. Start the morning with coffee and a breakfast sandwich from Java Java; settle in for grilled cheese and a milkshake at retro Vincent's Drugstore & Soda Fountain; or cap off the day with a glass of wine at FortyEight Wine Bar and Kitchen. Check their calendar for seasonal events, like summertime's "Music on the Green" concert series and farmer's market.

freshfieldsvillage.com; 165 Village Green Ln, Kiawah Island, SC 29455

Venture To Bohicket Marina & Market

Make the short drive to neighboring Seabrook Island for a taste of the area's salty maritime culture. Snag a umbrella-shaded table on the upper deck at Salty Dog Café for fresh catch, a cold beer, and riverfront views of the boats coming and going from the marina.

Attend An Oyster Roast

If the Palmetto State had to choose a favorite meal, it'd undoubtedly be oysters and barbecue. Experience the time-honored tradition of a proper oyster roast and pig pickin at Kiawah Resort's Mingo Point Oyster Roast and BBQ. The family-friendly event is held on major holidays and on Monday nights throughout the summer. Chow down on fresh oysters roasted over an open fire, a classic Lowcountry boil, and barbecue meats ranging from smoked chicken to ribs.

Kiawah Island ponders next steps after proposed sale of Captain Sams Spit

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The Town of Kiawah is continuing its fight to protect Captain Sams Spit, a sandy inlet that’s stirred a legal battle over development rights for years.Officials became aware that Kiawah Partners, the owners of the land in question, have now offered to sell the land to the state. An agreement between Kiawah Partners and the town recently expired, prompting the town t...

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The Town of Kiawah is continuing its fight to protect Captain Sams Spit, a sandy inlet that’s stirred a legal battle over development rights for years.

Officials became aware that Kiawah Partners, the owners of the land in question, have now offered to sell the land to the state. An agreement between Kiawah Partners and the town recently expired, prompting the town to look for options to keep the land untouched.

Kiawah Town Council discussed what action to take in the executive session this week after they got word of the possible sale. Council members authorized their legal counsel to send a note to South Carolina Attorney General Emory Smith regarding Captain Sams Spit.

Executive Director of the South Carolina Environmental Law Project Amy Armstrong explained that it’s unknown what state ownership would mean.

“The state hasn’t said what it would do, who would actually hold it, or what they would do with it,” Armstrong said. “It’s not necessarily assured that just because the state buys it that it’s going to stay exactly how it is today.”

The letter includes three attachments, one of which is the town’s demand letter to Kiawah Development Partners, dated Jan. 8, 2024, and it lays out obligations that were outlined in the contract between the town and developer that recently expired, that the developer did not fulfill.

One concern is that money will be wasted if the state agrees to purchase the land because Kiawah Partners should have already placed a conservation easement on the Spit, recorded a no-development covenant, and conveyed portions of the spit to the island’s Home Owners Association.

“The public doesn’t see why public funds need to be added to the cost of locking down what was supposed to be locked down by an agreement,” Kiawah property owner and land development lawyer Tim Hazel said. “So, in our opinion, it seems that we’re looking at potentially a waste of public funds to get to the point where we should be anyway.”

Kiawah town officials said in part, “The Town of Kiawah Island has a duty to ensure the developer honors its obligations under the development agreement.”

Island property owner and land development lawyer Tim Hazel said while this back-and-forth battle is extremely frustrating, he’s glad that the town is on the same side of this as residents.

Hazel said while this back-and-forth battle is extremely frustrating, he’s glad that the town is on the same side of this as residents.

“It’s funny because we’re not aligned on some of the issues involving development on Kiawah Island but this issue in particular, I think to the credit of the town council and the mayor, there is an effort to enforce what the town had negotiated in 2013,” Hazel said.

Armstrong said it’s encouraging that permanent protection for Sams Spit is potentially closer, but she’s keeping a cautious eye out for what comes next.

“If the community association owns part of the land and then there’s a conservation easement on the other part that the Kiawah conservancy holds, then that assurance that there’s not going to development out there and that would be a favorable outcome,” Armstrong said.

Kiawah councilmember Brad Belt said he could not comment on pending legal issues, but that “As has been noted at public meetings, the Town’s goal is to both preserve the access the public currently has to Beachwalker Park and the beach areas of the Spit and to protect the highlands area of the Spit, which is critical habitat for bobcats, nesting sea turtles and migrating shorebirds, from any development.”

Kiawah Partners declined a request for comment.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Editorial: Stop wasting money; start conserving Capt Sam's Spit

For years, we have called for the conservation of the fragile, ever-shifting southern tip of Kiawah Island, a slice of land many know as Capt. Sam’s Spit. We reiterate that call for a deal — and encourage leaders in our state government and conservation community to focus anew on it — particularly as the property remains in between controversial efforts to develop homes there.As The Post and Courier’s Toby Cox reported, the property is tied up in a complicated legal dispute over a 2013 Amended and Restated Deve...

For years, we have called for the conservation of the fragile, ever-shifting southern tip of Kiawah Island, a slice of land many know as Capt. Sam’s Spit. We reiterate that call for a deal — and encourage leaders in our state government and conservation community to focus anew on it — particularly as the property remains in between controversial efforts to develop homes there.

As The Post and Courier’s Toby Cox reported, the property is tied up in a complicated legal dispute over a 2013 Amended and Restated Development Agreement between the town of Kiawah Island and developer Kiawah Resort Associates that expired last month. At issue is whether the developer met contractual obligations to transfer ownership of some of the property’s highlands to the community association and to protect the remaining highlands with deed restrictions. These actions would protect the spit from development efforts, but the developer says these obligations were contingent on development, which did not occur.

Since 2008, developers have sought state permits to build 50 homes on the land, but the complexity of running a road and utility lines to the property has resulted in years-long court battles and appeals that stopped the plans. But those hoping for the property’s conservation should not count on permitting battles and environmental lawsuits alone; the land has some value, and its owners deserve to be compensated to some degree for a conservation agreement that would preclude development. Of course, there may be a wide disagreement over the dollars involved, given the property’s proximity to the high-valued real estate of Kiawah Island as well as the folly of building on land so subject to erosion and flooding.

Town officials sent the developer a letter this month asking it to fulfill the two obligations, and it’s certainly possible this could lead to yet another legal battle. That turn would be regrettable. It would be much better for both sides to focus on a conservation deal that would settle this matter once and for all.

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a precedent-setting ruling in 1992 in a case only five islands north of Kiawah (Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council), saying if government restricts all potential use of a piece of private property, that is considered a "taking" — and the property owner is owed compensation. We agree with what Amy Armstrong, executive director and general counsel at the S.C. Environmental Law Project, told Ms. Cox: "As long as the developer owns the property, there’s a threat."

The property is valuable for conservation not only because it provides habitat for wildlife but also because it adjoins Charleston County's Kiawah Beachwalker Park, which is so popular most summer weekends that there is a waiting list for its limited parking spaces. And that's not surprising: Beachwalker offers access to more than a mile's worth of beach and creekfront, around which bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles and seabirds are common visitors. In short, it's one of South Carolina's most pristine sections of beach publicly accessible by car.

Both South Carolina and Charleston County leaders should engage on ways to strike a conservation deal here for many reasons, including the prevention of unwise attempts to harden the land for development and the preservation of wildlife habitat and high-quality public access. The time to strike that deal is now, before more dollars are wasted on legal battles or ill-considered development plans.

Click here for more opinion content from The Post and Courier.

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Opposition rises against controversial Kiawah Island Park Medical Village

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCIV) — A controversial development on Kiawah Island is treading water.Developers of Island Park Place Medical Village said the project will be a mixed-use facility, including medical, health and wellness, that will save people from making long trips to the doctor.Residents and town officials are working to change the proposal or stop it. Meanwhile, supporters believe it would be a one-stop shop for those not wanting to leave the area for medical care. Still, opponents continue to believe the proj...

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCIV) — A controversial development on Kiawah Island is treading water.

Developers of Island Park Place Medical Village said the project will be a mixed-use facility, including medical, health and wellness, that will save people from making long trips to the doctor.

Residents and town officials are working to change the proposal or stop it. Meanwhile, supporters believe it would be a one-stop shop for those not wanting to leave the area for medical care. Still, opponents continue to believe the project is too big and commercial.

"It will destroy wetlands," Louise Bennet said. "It will destroy trees."

Read more: "James Island's Dills Bluff development plan meets resistance: From woodland to townhomes?"

These are only a few of the reasons Bennett is against the project planned just across the way from her business on Betsy Kerrison Parkway.

"It also destroys what's left of Johns Island that is peaceful and rural," Bennett said.

While developers tout the project as a one-stop medical shop, some think the 160,000-square-foot building falls short of that goal. Others said the medical care isn't needed as MUSC and Trident are planning for their projects nearby.

"Only about 60,000 square feet, 40 percent or so, is intended to be devoted to medical-related uses," said Bradley Belt, a member of Kiawah's town council. "The rest is residential, other retail restaurants... There's no requirement that it is actually devoted to medical-related facilities."

Read more: "Daniel Island townhome development defers second time due to grand oak tree concerns."

Bennett claims there are more viable areas to have a complex, including the central part of the island, where Trident Hospital will be.

An attempt by developers to rezone the area from low-density residential was denied by the Charleston County Planning Commission. That has developers looking to possibly scale back the project.

Meanwhile, an ad in support of the project has appeared on Facebook, seeming to suggest Charleston County Councilman Joe Boykin is in favor of the development. Boykin said he is adamantly opposed to it.

"I am aware that social media ads that utilized my image and words from a past speech were posted on Facebook in an apparent attempt to portray my support for a proposed Medical Health and Wellness Village on lower Betsy Kerrison Boulevard," Boykin said. "It is apparent to me that this was additionally an attempt to influence my constituents to ask me to 'keep my word,' as if I supported this project when the developer knew full well I was adamantly opposed to it.

"Angry constituents contacted me because they believed I supported this project only to learn just the opposite was true. I completely concur with the recommendation of the Charleston County Zoning and Planning staff, the decision of The Charleston County Planning Commission, and the opinions of the majority of the Charleston County voters who shared their views that this Planned Development should be denied."

Read more: "Could more development be coming to Johns Island after the New Year?"

Belt is holding a town hall on Thursday, Jan. 11, to discuss "key issues" impacting Johns Island and the Sea Islands community.

To the news, the development group provided the following statement to News 4.

“Our team has agreed to defer the PWC and first reading until we conduct an additional meeting with members of the community before the next scheduled PWC at Charleston County.”

The letters concerning the development can be read below.


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